Growth Across CFSN

By: Shanelle Mitchell, Literacy Program Manager

With school year programming coming to an end soon, I have had the opportunity to witness growth amongst the CFSN students, mentors and staff over the past 9 months. When stepping into this role as Literacy Program Manager, one goal I had for myself was to do everything with 100% effort and love. It was nice to see that the majority of the individuals I have interacted with, had similar mindsets as myself. 

When we were completing middle of year assessments this past February, I had a student from our Brilliant Detroit - Cody Rouge site say “I’m not sure if it will be right, but I will do the best I can”. This student had already told himself that regardless of the outcome, he was going to give 100% effort. We have since completed end of year assessments, and he has grown 2+ levels. When I congratulated this student, he was able to recall not being able to read the text fluently in February. The fact that he was able to remember where he left off, and had a goal of where he wanted to be, was remarkable to see. His passion for self growth showed me how our program offers students the opportunity to highlight independent achievements outside of the classroom environment. 

Since the start of programming, I have had the chance to work alongside two exceptional Lead Literacy Instructors, Lydia Banks and Isabella Crook. Lydia and Isabella have been a pleasure to collaborate with and have taught me various things along the way in my role as a manager here at CFSN. Lydia and Isabella, have both merged or transferred virtual sites this year to ensure mentoring goes uninterrupted for our Brilliant Detroit students. Lydia and Isabella have also explored PD opportunities to strengthen their expertise in areas related to literacy and social emotional learning. It’s an amazing feeling when you can witness growth within not only the students, but the staff members who show up daily to support them. 

I was recently asked by our Senior Director of Learning, what was bringing me joy. When she asked me this question, all I could think about was the assessments I just completed the day prior. Watching students conquer tasks that were initially a challenge, brings me joy. Listening to parents praise our program because of the success of their child, brings me joy. Lastly, being able to stick to my goal of doing everything with 100% effort and love while witnessing growth in myself, students and team, brings me joy.

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